

We are happy for you to share our content by directly linking our youtube and website on your own webpages, social media pages, news outlets, and articles.

Moody Media Production Company releases our digital property for these stated uses only. 

We are not releasing the intellectual and digital property for any other purpose that the previously stated uses.  This is including, but not limited to: using our clips without permission in television or radio marketing, embedding as video in webpage background, screencapping and using photographs on webpages, business cards, billboard advertisement, or street advertisement.  These clips are not to be resold or reused as stock imagery or in any form of background video.  These clips are not to be resold to other businesses. 

If you wish to use these clips or videos outside of their intended purpose, we are happy to release certain aspects of our intellectual and digital property through an agreed fee.  Please contact us directly for a list of our pricing, or refer to our webpage for baseline pricing.

Moody Media / All Rights Reserved 2018-2022